How can bamboo grow so fast

Published by |2022-11-18T08:36:24+00:00 November 18th, 2022|

The reason why bamboo grows fast is that every section of bamboo grows at the same time. Every spring, the meristem of bamboo will constantly produce new cells, which will gradually lengthen the distance between adjacent bamboo nodes.

1.The growth speed of bamboo is very fast. In rainy season, the growth speed of bamboo can reach 150cm ~ 200cm every day and night. When bamboo grows the slowest, its growth rate is 20cm ~ 30cm every day and night. Different kinds of bamboo grow at different rates. Phyllostachys pubescens can grow 15-18 meters in 30-40 days, and Dendrocalamus pubescens can grow 30-35 meters in 100-120 days.

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2.Among plants, the growth rate of bamboo is the champion. The reason why bamboo grows so fast is that every section of it grows at the same time.

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3.Of course, bamboo grows fast, which cannot be separated from the nutrition of roots. Roots can grow crazily in the soil, and the root system can spread for several miles at the longest. In a few square meters of soil in Fiona Fang, bamboo can easily get a lot of nutrients.

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